Average monthly wages at 1153.57 euros in October 2019
For part-time workers, average daily pay and monthly wages were 24.52 euros and 402.80 euros in the same month🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The average daily pay and monthly wages for full-time workers came to 50.55 euros and 1,153.57 euros, respectively, in October 2019, official figures showed on Wednesday. For part-time workers, average daily pay and monthly wages were 24.52 euros and 402.80 euros in the same month, based on the report.
A report by e-EFKA (the electronic National Social Insurance Agency) said that in the construction sector, average daily pay was 39.45 euros and average monthly wages were 583.07 euros in October 2019 (with an average employment of 14.78 working days). In enterprises with less than 10 workers, average daily pay for full-time jobs was 65.77 pct of the average daily pay of insured workers in enterprises with more than 10 workers, while the equivalent percentage for average monthly pay was at 62.24 pct.
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