Borrell: 'Resolving the issue of drilling and presence of Turkish ships in territorial waters of Greece, Cyprus is a matter of urgency'
He insisted that "the most pressing issue is that of the drilling and the presence of Turkish ships in the territorial waters of Greece and Cyprus - something that is dangerous."🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Resolving the issue of drilling and the presence of Turkish ships in the territorial waters of Greece and Cyprus is a matter of urgency, said EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell at Berlin on Friday, referring to the EU's relations with Turkey.
Speaking after the end of the informal meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers, he added that "there must be a differentiation of the problem of drilling in disputed waters - where there is a risk of conflict and mediation is needed, that is what Germany is doing - and Turkey's complicated relationship with the EU."
He insisted that "the most pressing issue is that of the drilling and the presence of Turkish ships in the territorial waters of Greece and Cyprus - something that is dangerous."
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