SYRIZA's Iliopoulos: Government's 'criminal irrresponsibility' has condemned entire island to insecurity
"Moria was burning yesterday for the second consecutive day,"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
![Στιγμιότυπο από τη φωτιά που ξέσπασε το βράδυ της Τρίτης στη Μόρια (Copyright: Eurokinissi/Παναγιώτης Μπαλάσκας)](
Main opposition SYRIZA spokesperson Nassos Iliopoulos on Thursday said the goverment was guilty of "criminal irresponsbility," and that this "has condemned an entire island to insecurity and wretchedness," while demanding immediate support measures for the islands and for their health needs, combined with their decongestion from migrants.
"Moria was burning yesterday for the second consecutive day," he said, adding that government plans for the creation of closed-type hosting facilities, which are not funded by the European Union, will not only cost the Greek people dear and violate the European acquis but also "turn the islands into prisons."
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