Development Min Georgiadis optimistic that "click away" shopping will work
Adonis Georgiadis appeared confident on Friday that the 'click away' shopping method, with collection outside shops, will work well in the market🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Development and Investment Minister Adonis Georgiadis appeared confident on Friday that the 'click away' shopping method, with collection outside shops, will work well in the market.
In a post on social media, Georgiadis said: "It will be interesting to look at the acceptance of 'click away' in about a month. In four days and at a time when the shock from the closure of retail in the holidays was fresh, the measure had 34 pct positive views versus 63 pct negative. I am sure that the next measurement it will be higher. It's going well."
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