Teen girl that died jumping onto the rails may have been sexually molested
Τhe girl was waiting quietly on the platform for the train, along with the rest of the passengers, when she suddenly fell down onto the tracks🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The mother and stepfather of the 14-year-old girl that died by jumping onto the rails at the Moschato electric railway station on Thursday had accused a 42-year-old man of sexually molesting her the previous day, police sources said.
The girl’s parents had filed a report with the Police Protection of Minors department and the 42-year-old, who runs a shop in the Moschato district, was arrested and was to appear before a police court on Thursday. According to sources, he had previously also molested an underage friend of the 14-year-old.
The girl was killed when she fell off the platform and onto the tracks at the ISAP electric railway station in Moschato at 15:00 on Thursday afternoon.
According to eye-witness accounts, the girl was waiting quietly on the platform for the train, along with the rest of the passengers, when she suddenly fell down onto the tracks. The operation of the ISAP trains was interrupted as police and fire brigade officers tried to remove the body, with trains running only from Piraeus to Faliro station and from Tavros to Kifissia until about 18:00.
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