Greek industrial production down 0.8 pct in April
The water production index fell 5.0 pct in April, while the electricity production index rose 1.4 pct in the month🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Greek industrial production fell 0.8 pct in April, with manufacturing production easing 0.2 pct in the month, compared with the same period in 2018, Hellenic Statistical Authority said on Monday.
The statistics service, in a monthly report, said the industrial production index fell 0.8 pct in April after a 2.0 pct increase recorded in April 2018. This development was attributed to price declines of 16.4 pct in mining production, 0.2 pct in manufacturing production (clothing -13.3 pct, oil/coal -11.4 pct, vehicles -48.7 pct, furniture -17 pct, while tobacco production grew 42.2 pct). The water production index fell 5.0 pct in April, while the electricity production index rose 1.4 pct in the month.
The average industrial production index rose 0.8 pct in the January-April period compared with the same period in 2018, while the seasonally-adjusted index fell 0.6 pct in April from March 2019.
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