ND's Mitsotakis presented party's programme for boosting growth
Promising a "reduction in taxes for all citizens", Mitsotakis added that there will two rates of VAT🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Taxes on enterprises will be reduced from 28 percent to 20 percent in two years, while the tax on dividends will be reduced immediately, main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Friday, during a presentation of the party's programme for economic growth via tax cuts across the board.
Mitsotakis stressed that ND will also cut down on bureaucracy and reduce the number of unemployed from 850,000 to less than 500,000 in four years.
Promising a "reduction in taxes for all citizens", Mitsotakis added that there will two rates of VAT - 11 percent and 22 percent - while the ENFIA property ownership tax will be reduced by 30 percent over a two-year period.
Mitsotakis also stressed that ND supports the middle class and families. Specifically, he announced a 2,000-euro benefit for every child born in Greece, while the tax-free income allowance will increase by 1,000 euros for every child and the benefits for large (four-plus children) families will be restored.
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