Germany can play key role in bringing investments to Greece, Development Min. Georgiadis says
After the meeting Georgiadis said that "our goal is to strengthen as much as possible the Greek-German relations at the investment and trade level, and that is why we intend in the next few months to proceed with specific actions that will allow the interested investors from Germany to find a way to invest in Greece."🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
"Germany can play a decisive role in new Greece, which will attract private investments," president of the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce, Konstantinos Marangos, said on Thursday in a meeting with Development and Investment Minister Adonis Georgiadis.
On his part, Marangos said "the position of the Minister of Development and Investment is very crucial now, because only through investment will Greece be able to recover economically and even more important socially, and create jobs. We, as the Hellenic-German Chamber of Commerce, will support his work because we believe that Germany can play a decisive role in the new Greece, which will attract new private investments."
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