Supreme Court to review ruling on Grigoropoulos murder case
Areios Pagos requested on Friday a copy of the court ruling on the case of teenagers Alexandros Grigoropoulos🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Areios Pagos, Greece's supreme court, requested on Friday a copy of the court ruling on the case of teenagers Alexandros Grigoropoulos, who was murdered in Exarchia in December 2008 by a policeman.
The murder sparked city-wide riots at the time.
The Supreme Court chief prosecutor's office wants to review the decision to free former policeman Epaminondas Korkoneas, who was initially sentenced to life imprisonment for premeditated murder. An appeals court recognized his good past record as mitigating circumstance and changed Korkoneas' sentence to a 13-year imprisonement. He was released from jail last week, having served his sentence under good conduct.
If the Supreme Court decides to overturn the ruling of the Court of Appeals in Lamia, central Greece, then the trial will be repeated.
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