Mitsotakis describes significant changes in public administration at plenary on 'executive state' bill
Prime Minister described his outline of the changes, upgrades and administrational benefits that New Democracy's bill on the 'executive state' will bring, speaking at the plenary on Tuesday evening🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋
The "future of public administration" and a "radical model" of a 21st century government is how Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis described his outline of the changes, upgrades and administrational benefits that New Democracy's bill on the 'executive state' will bring, speaking at the plenary on Tuesday evening.
Mitsotakis announced the establishment of a National Transparency Authority, which brings together six public bodies of administrative control.
The Prime Minister also underlined that the number of civil servants' transferences to prime ministerial infrastructures is reduced from 161 to 108, down by 12 pct, said the PM.
General and Special Secretariats are also reduced from 93 to 58.
"The citizen ceases to be a hostage to bureaucracy," said Mitsotakis, as only one signature by a relevant authority's director will, as of now, suffice to start a new business, a new profession or staff hospitals and schools.
It was also mentioned that bearing in mind how citizen's transactions with the state are now almost entirely carried out electronically, the long-standing issue of citizen queues at public services is expected to be overcome.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis talked about what he called major changes in public life, and noted that "government is now a collective scheme, but at the same time effective and fast."
He stressed that public administration "is being disassociated from any party politics as its executives upgraded with new tasks," and that "party bosses are being abolished" in public administration.
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