Athens municipality opens airconditioned halls on Saturday due to high temperatures
The air-conditioned spaces will be open to anyone that needs them throughout Saturday🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
The municipality of Athens is offering eight airconditioned halls for the vulnerable citizens due to the high temperatures that will prevail in the country.
The air-conditioned spaces will be open to anyone that needs them throughout Saturday.
They are located on the corner of Mamouri and 22 Dymis Street in the Agios Pavlos district, 26-28 Drakou Street in Koukaki , 15 Heldraich Street in Neos Kosmos, Exoneon and Myrmidonon in Petralona, 9 Aimonos Street and Astrous in Kolokynthou, 372 Acharnon Street in Agios Eleftherios, Xenagora 6 in Aghios Meletios and on the corner of Panormou and Vatheos 25 in Ampelokipi.
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