No fiscal gap in 2019 budget, Greek economic team says institutions agree
The institutions are in Athens for the 4th post-programme enhanced surveillance review until Wednesday, while the assessment is expected to be completed by the December 4 Eurogroup🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋

The visiting heads of institutions' missions agreed after a preliminary look at the Greek state budget that "in general, there is no fiscal gap for 2019," according to sources of the Greek economy team after the two sides met on Monday.
The institutions are in Athens for the 4th post-programme enhanced surveillance review until Wednesday, while the assessment is expected to be completed by the December 4 Eurogroup.
Sources of Greece's economy team expressed the wish that the assessment "be completed the soonest possible," adding that during the meetings the government wants to "place all issues on the table and reach the greatest possible alignment" between the two sides.
They said that although the budget is not showing any fiscal gaps for 2019, it's too early for the 2020 budget and it is not possible to assess any GDP rise yet . "2020 will be better than 2019," they asserted however, because of the development measures announced by the prime minister at the Thessaloniki International Fair.
In terms of the 120-installment plan for outstanding loans, open to applicants for registration until September 30, the Greek sources said these are being discussed at technical level, not with the heads of institutions' missions, the latter of whom also met on Monday with ministers on energy-related issues including investments.
A mission from the International Monetary Fund will also be in Athens until Friday, in the context of its article 4 charter.
Their scheduled meetings, taking place in the building of the old Ministry of Administrative Reform, is as follows:
- 10:30-12:30: Budget, Health, Labour, Social Policy
- 16:00-17:30: Banking - Financial
WEDNESDAY (11:00-18:30):
* Energy
* Privatizations
* Public administration
* Digital Politics
* Review,
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