PPC and vote of Greeks Abroad discussed at cabinet meeting
The Prime Minister also called on the ministers to "strongly and aggressively support this success of the political system"🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
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Two issues have so far been discussed at the underway cabinet meeting at the Maximos Mansion. The first concerns the bill on the Greeks living abroad. According to government sources, Mitsotakis said: "It is a very big success for a decade-long problem."
The Prime Minister also called on the ministers to "strongly and aggressively support this success of the political system" and added: "The public opinion must understand that 200 MPs should support it and stressed that the public opinion it is not opposed to any form of cooperation in order to find common ground on such important issues."
The second issue, which has been discussed, concerns PPC, and the prime minister said: "The great challenge is to prove that we can consolidate and modernise a major company that the previous government discredited."
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