Alexis Tsipras speaks on the phone with Evo Morales
SYRIZA leader said "i send him the solidarity on behalf of every democratic Greek citizen in the struggle for peace, democracy and his country's independence”🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras in a post on his personal Facebook account on Friday evening said he spoke on the phone with Evo Morales.
In his post Tsipras said "A few while ago a spoke on the phone with Evo Morales who is in Mexico after the coup d'etat in his country. I send him the solidarity on behalf of every democratic Greek citizen in the struggle for peace, democracy and his country's independence.
He told me that at this moment his first priority is the restoration of social peace underlining the importance of drawing international attention to the restoration of democracy in Bolivia. The struggle for democracy in Bolivia and in Latin America is a struggle that concerns us all, no matter how far we are".
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