Christos Staikouras satisfied with EU report on course of Greek economy
Finance Minister said that the report was the best of the four post-programme reviews for Greece adopted until now🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
Finance Minister Christos Staikouras on Wednesday expressed satisfaction with the European Commission's report issued earlier the same day and its largely positive assessment of the Greek economy.
In his statement, Staikouras said that the report was the best of the four post-programme reviews for Greece adopted until now and forecasts that fiscal targets will be met, combined with an improvement of the quality of the public finances as result of a targeted reduction of taxation rates.
In parallel, he said that the report forecasts satisfactory economic growth for 2019 and even a higher growth rate in 2020, with a significant reduction of unemployment, while the European Commission welcomes the Greek government's initiatives in the first months of its governance.
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