The country has come out of the crisis and we can now achieve more, Achtsioglou says
The SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance spokesperson also noted that "we are here to create a new political and economic model for the country🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 1 λεπτό ┋
"The country has come out of the crisis and we can now achieve more," Labour Minister and SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance spokerperson Effie Achtsioglou said in an interview with Newpost website on Sunday.
"Greece in 2019 is not the country of surveillance and crisis. It is a country where its government and its people have the right to decide on their present and future," she explained.
The SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance spokesperson also noted that "we are here to create a new political and economic model for the country, a model that has as its main pillar the interests and rights of the social majority." She stressed that "we have gained, both financially and politically, the right and possibility to do more: create new jobs with increased wages and rights, move towards fairer taxation, better health, education and the welfare state.".
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