Mitsotakis: We did it, but care and caution are still required
The prime minister visited the school and talked with teachers and students🕛 χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 2 λεπτά ┋
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the 7th Gymnasium of Athens in Pagrati on Monday, accompanied by the Education Minister Niki Kerameus and Deputy Education Minister Sofia Zacharaki. On the occasion of the transition to the second phase of the return to schools, which includes all students at middle schools (gymnasiums) and high schools (lyceums), the prime minister visited the school and talked with teachers and students.
Mitsotakis expressed his gratitude to the teaching staff for their dedication and congratulated both students and teachers because, as he said, "you all passed the exams of responsibility." Referring to the actions of the educational community during the lockdown, he described it as a "pleasant surprise" that "the academic community was fully in harmony with the technology, so that remote education has been embraced by all, offering the best results for the children."
However, the prime minister clarified that under no circumstances should access to technology function as an opportunity to create new types of discrimination, adding that this is something that Greek public schools have handled in a very effective way. Mitsotakis pointed out, during a discussion with teaching staff, that care and cautioun will be required from now on.
He stressed that he insists on normality in the social life of the school, adding that children are always better and more balanced when they have a programme and this will be followed through the normal operation of schools.
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